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  1. F

    mark died

    Tamagotchi's Name: mark Tamagotchi's Age: 6 Date of Birth: 17th october 2007 Date of Passing: 1st january 2008 What Generation? v3 Your Comments: aww i loved that tamagotchi soooo much so i decided to post a memorial towards him because he stole my heart away when he died , he died of...
  2. F


    might be a glitch? <_< or it could be the way your careing for it :huh:
  3. F


    they might of transformed into a gozorotchi or it could be somesort of glitch. <_< :huh:
  4. F

    scary thing!

    get this! o wensday i came home to find my tamagotchis buttons all chewed however i have a hamster, i had left my tamagotchi on the top of my chester draws next to where my hamster cage is, just so turns out that my hamster had been escaping, shed chewed the buttons and gone back to her cage...
  5. F


    name: luna species:cat personality:likes to sit in the moonlight staring at the moon. colour:black
  6. F

    Make your own word!

    makiojojo makio-jo-jo (pronounced) meaning: a person who is obsessed with japan. ;)
  7. F

    Taking tamas too seriously?

    yeah i take mine waaaay to seiroisly once i buried my tama in a shoe box wen i ACCIDENTLY left it in my freinds back garden and to my dissapointment it rained and when i found it it was soaked so i decorated a shoe box and had a funeral freaky huh!
  8. F

    How Many Are You Collecting?

    i have 19 tamas but i am going to get a v5 to make it 20! ;)
  9. F

    Am I to old for Tamagotchis?

    no way i know a 22 YEAR OLD that has one! ;)
  10. F

    scary thing!

    our tammas was at the front of the room and me and my frend wer at the back and the button noises started to make the noise they make wen u press them.
  11. F

    scary thing!

    no there was no match maker becuase i cheked and there was nothing it was just normal moving around o the screen. ;)
  12. F

    what is a group hatching?

    you see i have more than 9 tamagotchis in my draw (no battries in) and i would like to know what a group hatching is, i was wondering if i could do it. ;)
  13. F

    I am so confused

    tamma lover i did that once took my tama apart it was a v3 i cud not put it bak toogether! *looks up too* oh yeah and tht thing with the buttons its probbly just a malfunction in the circit board or summat like tht
  14. F

    scary thing!

    me and my frend wer on the couch normaly casualy what ever and mine and my frends tammas started beeping (the sound that it makes when you press the buttons) nd the tammas were at the end of the room we were at the front and we went balistic i was sooo freaked out can anybody give na...
  15. F

    My Tama Screams at me..... When it's dead...

    no but i guess it woz summat up with the ellectronics or summat.