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  1. C

    Tama V4.5 Growth Chart (NOT V4!)

    Who's Site is that? MY friend (Melza_Rocks) Gave them no permission to post that. all though if they asked, im sure she would of let them !!
  2. C

    Tamagotchi V4.5 Growth Charts Complete

    Hello Everybody I would just like to say that Binary has updated the links! Thanks Binary! and i have fixed some errors, If there are any more then please don't be shy to post the error here but dont just post things that you think are wrong please make sure your 100% positive they are wrong...
  3. C

    Tamagotchi V4.5 Growth Charts Complete

    Hello, Im Melza_rocks Friend She just wants to tell you that shes has Fixed the Girls Growth chart she is working on the BOYS now and is nearly finished she hopes there isnt anymore errors! if there is she also says to tell her so she can fix them!