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  1. O

    Rate the poem above you:)

    The thing that's pretty, Is a flower, And beauty, Is great power!
  2. O

    ? Fight!

    *Swishes a snowball in Belgia's face!*
  3. O

    The ^ > V game!

    ^ Has a odd brother! > Is asking why. V Likes music?
  4. O

    Rate the Siggy above you!

  5. O

    "When life gives you lemons"

    6/10 When life gives you lemons, see if their to sour for you.
  6. O

    Guess the Song!

    Drop a heart, break a name? The path that I'm walking I must go alone I must take the baby steps until I'm full grown Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay
  7. O

    Throw an item at the next post game!

    *Quacks with the duck.* *Throws gallons of tufu at the next person*
  8. O

    "When life gives you lemons"

    6/10 When life gives you lemons, make limeade!
  9. O

    1000 things NOT to do to a tamagotchi

    11. Paint it with very with watery paint. 12. Throw it to a ceiling with a ceiling fan turned on.
  10. O

    "When life gives you lemons"

    5/10 When life gives you lemons, don't put them in your eyes unless your dumb and can't read what I've typed.
  11. O

    "Let's Just Say..."

    Yes and It's supose to be wwyd? Ljs... your in kindergarden, you flunk a test and your sent to summer school wwyd?
  12. O

    Throw an item at the next post game!

    "OW! heavy! At least I can look up that word!" *I Throw a basket of snakes at the next post!*
  13. O

    Fetch me a...

    Bengal white tiger Fetch me a pic of lightning shaped like a question mark. (hint: search Question mark on google images)
  14. O

    "Let's Just Say..."

    Not care. ljs TT wuz closed 4 10 yrs. wwyd?
  15. O

    The Moment of truth

    No Have you ever at something so hard and no one else thought it was funny?
  16. O

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    2/10 no offence but Creepy!