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  1. B

    Innocent or Guilty?

    Yes I am Guilty! Reason: Cuz ... I dont have more than a thousand posts! Are you guilty for throwing banana skin to the pavement? teehee:)
  2. B

    The New You!

    n remember to keep me updated on those dolls. I would like to have some new other dolls!
  3. B

    The New You!

    New thread? well, anyway, I would want .. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th. 2 for me. 1 for jessy 1 for tama bye!
  4. B

    Tamagotchi Adoption Center

    oh man! I think i've came too late! the goods stuff finishd off! urgh... i hate u TAMAGIBOY!!! *chases him...* anyway, I would like to have all the 5 or 4 tamagotchis that are available for adoption now. Tnx!
  5. B

    Tamagotchi Adoption Center

    Anyways, sparkle is almost the same as belgia's siggy pet right??lol
  6. B

    Tamagotchi Adoption Center

    Well, first of all, I would like to thank TamaLove745 for preventing me to wait further... <clears throat> u here that MS BELGIA??? lol lol lol Anyway, can I have Roase, Timm and Tomy? Tnx!
  7. B

    How many Tama's do u have?

    Aw... u got it girl!!! I think its the option 1. ver 5??? correct??? HINT: Less than 5 more than 2!
  8. B

    Tamagotchi Adoption Center

    And when will be ur next very near time, may i ask? lol.
  9. B

    Run Away Kid

    The sun's setting and in no time, it was pitch-black dark and the boy was fast asleep. When he woke up, he awaken on a beach and he also find that he couldn't move. .....
  10. B

    Tamagotchi Adoption Center

    And I see u have some new threads too. i love them. n dont worry cause ill definately participate in them.. : )
  11. B

    Tamagotchi Adoption Center

    n sorry for not checking in recently. im too busy in my school work... lol u understand right?
  12. B

    Tamagotchi Adoption Center

    Can I have all the rest that r still available? tnx!
  13. B

    How many Tama's do u have?

    17 tamas??? HINT: I have 3 tamas. what are their types??? 1. ver 3 and above 2. ver 4, ver 4.5 and ver5 3. all ver 5 and one ver 5.5 ???
  14. B

    Egg Hatching Room!

    Can I have.... Milk Meat lovers pizza bacon choco ice cream thermometer paint balloons love potion tent tnx!
  15. B

    Egg Hatching Room!

    k, im getting active now!!!
  16. B

    Tamagotchi Adoption Center

    Can I have the Choco Pudding, Ice Cream, Fried Chciken, Swimming Pool, Playground, UFO, motorcycle and vitamin? thanx!
  17. B

    Tamagotchi Adoption Center

    Well, I'm adopting them all except for Love!!! POOR LIL TAMAS...
  18. B

    Egg Hatching Room!

    Can I have all the first aids, the Sakura Flower and the Great Wall of China? Thanx!
  19. B

    Egg Hatching Room!

    Can I have 3 of the random eggs? thanx!
  20. B

    How many Tama's do u have?

    Hint: I do not have any English Languange Tamagotchi i only have Japanese Language Tamas