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  1. C

    A Whipser of Truth

    Well what do you think? How could I improve it? Should I scrap it altogether?
  2. C

    The tale of the Big Ears

    The first chapter is brill, though have you written anymore to it? I can't find it anywhere... When you do right the next part can you please PM to say?
  3. C

    A Whipser of Truth Part 3

    "Why does Loann get to go to this school? What about us?" Katie complained after Mum had explained to her and Luke about what was going to happen. She didn't seem to know herself, she just kept mumbling, "Why's he doing this, why's he doing this?" I suspected 'He' was Dad. Mum prepared me on...
  4. C


    Thanks for your help everyone!
  5. C


    If chocolate didn't melt and was sturdier, chocolate. :D
  6. C

    Tamagotchi Famitama

    Jinji, Loann, Pip, Kelly, Joe and Ginny are all teens now! So from now on they will be posting in the colors they want to type in: Jinji=lime green. Loann=dark red Pip=black Kelly=purple Joe=blue Ginny=sky blue Hi! I'm a Mameketchi! I'm a Chamametchi! I'm da best! I'm a Kurokotchi...
  7. C


    I have two V5 tama's, I want one to marry one the oppisite tama, but, I'm wanting to know, what level does your bonding have to be to achieve each of the different characters you marry to a Violetchi, Kuchipatchi, Memetchi or Mametchi to get the pure families? I can't find anything about it...
  8. C

    Tamagotchi Famitama

    Heya! It's Amia again! Jinji evolved into an Ahirukutchi, Cute Loann is a Belltchi, and small Pip is a Mousetchi! Extra news: Chamametchiisdabest purchased a Love! My Family Shell V5 today! We have Kelly, a Belltchi, Joe, a Mousetchi, and little Ginny, a Torortchi. They have 5 smileys in the...
  9. C

    Tamagotchi Famitama

    Hello! Amia here. Sorry I haven't wirtten for so long. I evolved into a Mikazumatchi two days after I became a toddler. Then, after another two days I became a Sunnytchi. Unfortunatley, earllier today, I evolved into a Ninja Family character, something like a Kuinotchi or something. Then, just...
  10. C


    I wish I could help but... Mimitchi on V5? Didn't know that was possible. Are you sure it's not a Chantotchi or whaterver It's called. :) :o
  11. C

    Why won't it let me watch the dating channel?

    Thanks everyone! I now have the space character! It's a teen at the moment!
  12. C

    Do you ever feel

    I'm just like you! Yay! Someone I can relate to! I don't really get on with anyone in my school. I have one guy friend and one girl. That's it. I enjoy being with them, my bezzies. :furawatchi:
  13. C

    Do you wear a bra yet?

    Me? Oh... I was 8 when I got my first bra. My age you ask? 11. I'm not sure what size though. :furawatchi: Ps: Ray Myserio, love the avatar! :pochitchi:
  14. C


    I'm so EXITED! And I just can't hide it.... WOOHOO! V5.5! What I've always dreamt of! (Well, since V5 came out that is :furawatchi: )
  15. C

    New V5.5

    I have never had a V3 or V2. I have had Two V1's,still have two V4 and a V4.5 and a V5. Out of all that I have V4.5 is what I think is the best.
  16. C

    A Whisper of Truth Part 2

    Okay, enough with the Dad part for now. This is Loann recovering trom her illness in hospital. It took me awhile to get better. Katie and Luke were allowed to leave the hospital straight away with Mum. I had to stay in the hospital with the nurses and Doctor's until I was a toddler. A...
  17. C

    Tamagotchi Famitama

    Hello! I'm Amia! I um, evolved into Hoshitchi! I'm getting good at the game shoe pairs with Mummy! I got all 20 pairs without fail! Yay! The family has 880Gotchi now! YIPEE! Chamametchiisdabest has been taking me to school. And before me she took Mummy, Uncle and Aunty to school with (Uncle and...
  18. C

    Tamagotchi Famitama

    Hello. News from me now! Chamametchiidabest let us watch the dating channel and.... PLANETCHI WAS HOSTING THE SHOW! He, or she, showed me the Sunnytchi, I said yes. It was depressing to see Tyson and Faith leave, but thrilling to have a baby. A beautiful Iwatchi was born, Amia we shall call her...
  19. C

    Why won't it let me watch the dating channel?

    Okay, on my V5, this is my V5 third day of adulthood, I haven't used the travel channel, or that Family Trip ticket thing, and it still won't let my tama's watch the dating show! What is wrong with it?
  20. C

    Tamagotchi Famitama

    Hi! No news about us at the moment. We are hoping thata V4.5 and V4 will join us with this log. (MESSAGE FROM CHAMAMETCHIISDABEST: I already have a V4 and V4.5. I am still deciding if I want to write about them too.) So well, bye from us for now!