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  1. S

    Why isn't she a URA Violetchi?

    I had a URA young Violetchi, and I took AWESOME care of her! Her stats were all in the 100's, and I made sure not to under or over feed her. I played games, and took CONSTANT care of her! If I had to be away, I made SURE I paused it! So, this morning, I heard the changing noise, and watched her...
  2. S

    ghost furbies?

    I use to have a furby. It was one of the originals. Oh GOD that thing scare me! It said stuff it never was supposed to. it cursed one time. I swear! I got rid of that thing whenever the chance came! I feel sorry for the poor soul who got it. My sister;s told her to die xD
  3. S

    Hello everyone!

    I just found this place, and it's awesome! SO, to explain my username, I usually just use Sunalli. But, since I have an young URA Violetchi right now, I picked this! So, anyway, I just bought my Tama on Friday. And I must say these adorable little creatures are addicting! So, I want to talk to...