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  1. H

    Tama Owners With Real Pets

    Ya know gozarutchi guy i had hermit crabs and my mum looked after them ^_^ execpt they died :) :D ;)
  2. H


    i wanna know how to debug help me!
  3. H


    homedarn my tamagotchi familitchi v5 rocks........... ........... but i broke B) B) :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  4. H

    Another V5 Cheat

    hey anyone got watachi get the girl dressers robe and use it you will chane to makiko hey anyone got hasugutchi get the steamed pudding and use it u will change into kuromametchi rocks doesn't it :P :D :D :D :D :D ;) sinceriley hanatchi fan 29 Also..... ive got the...
  5. H

    Another V5 Cheat

    tamagotchi familitchis rock exept mine broke in 1 month after i got it :P shoot
  6. H

    Buying a Tamagotchi

    :nazotchi: :P :ichigotchi: hey get a v5 they :kuribotchi: just rock!!!!!!!!!! :pochitchi: