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  1. X

    What book series can you not get enough of?

    Twilight <3 and the Lightning Theif
  2. X

    Team Edward VS. Team Jacob

    Edward i love him <3
  3. X

    Name Game

    Ryan lol Uhhhhhh ok my name is diff De_ _ _ _ _
  4. X

    The Banning Game!

    I ban you because i said so and what i say goes xD
  5. X

    Camp Rock 2

  6. X

    Camp Rock 2

    omg can you send me the site? im trying to get into any acting things for disney.....
  7. X


    haha i know that girl talks way to much about her looks i saw a cloud that looked like a dog
  8. X

    does your sister ever...completely

    nope i dont live with my sister...she lives in ny i live in va but i saw he aug. 6-25...and it was the best time of my life...she is the only person i really like in my family....
  9. X


    i have takin classes and all that i have found sites but not any good ones...
  10. X

    First day back to school...

    Im waring a shirt that says I <3 nick jonas and skinny jeans and flip flops.....
  11. X


    I need help finding a site for acting on Disney Channel.....Because i wanna start acting but i really wanna do it on disney....can someone help me find a site.....
  12. X

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    7/10....... i like machine guns 8D
  13. X

    The ^ > V game!

    ^love me :0 and its 2:16am > cant stop thinking about nick jonas v loves me 8D
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    The Banning Game!

    i ban you for not having any x's
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    The Banning Game!

    I ban you for having a vampire in your siggy
  16. X

    Hug, Kiss, or Diss?

    IDK HIM BUT HUG? Desiree(me...because im soooo famous!!! lol)
  17. X

    Corrupt a Wish!

    Granted....for 5 min. i wish i could be a singer
  18. X

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    *crying so hard i ran out of tears...* 8,999,999,999,999,999
  19. X

    The Banning Game!

    i ban you for not inviting me to walmart!