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  1. M

    Rate the Siggy above you!

  2. M

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    2/10 Sorry but I don't like webkinz.
  3. M


    I have a horse. Her name is Raindrop. She's a gray-blue colour. She's awesome. :3
  4. M

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    9/10 love it. It matches your signature.
  5. M

    Do you have a friend/s

    My friend Brittany gets everything she wants from her Dad because he's guilty apart leaving her mom. So whatever she wants, he buys. Other than that, all my other friends have strict parents who don't spoil them. I have to admit I'm sort of spoiled myself.
  6. M

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    9/10 beautiful
  7. M

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    9/10 really good
  8. M

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    5/10 pretty colours.
  9. M

    A Cursive Memory

    I've heard them one time when I was a friends house... They are OKAY.
  10. M

    Shout out to y'all

    Hey. The name's Mrs.Maturity. But if you're my friend, call me Laura. I just wanted to say "hi". Now everyone can get back to what they were doing. Over and out. 8D
  11. M

    Do you guess what a person is like

    Agreed. I like those signatures the most. Quotes and lyrics are good. But I don't really care either way.
  12. M

    Are you teeth....

    Surprisingly, my teeth are pearly white. I take great pride in my teeth, and always want them to look good. People say I should smile more to show them off.
  13. M

    Niagara Falls

    Wow....he must have been truly unhappy. Glad he's alright, though. I remember when I went to Niagara Falls. It was fun.
  14. M

    Girl legally changes her embarrasing name

    Now that is REALLY embarrassing. Who the heck would name their child that? I don't think I could live with that sort of name. Pretty interesting story.... teacher a few years back had a child, and named her Peachjuice or something. 8D That made me laugh.
  15. M


    My school starts at 9:00, which is good. Even though it starts fairly late (when looking at other school times), I can never seem to be ready on time. My hair never cooperates with me in the morning. x_x
  16. M

    How many of you guys

    No matter how much sugar I have, I am never hyper. One time I ate a bag full of sugar, 12 sugar sticks, and three pops, just to see if I'd get hyper. Did it work? No. o.o
  17. M

    DS Allowance Help!

    Wow; that's harsh. Just do what your Dad and Mom tells you for now. Do the work, and do some extra stuff around the house. Maybe after you've proved to them you can still be a hard-worker they'll reward you with more time. If that doesn't work, maybe secretly play without them knowing? ;D...
  18. M

    Who do you look more like?

    My dad, I guess. I have his nose, his feet, his ears, and his eyes. The rest of me is sort of a mix. My brother looks like my mom.
  19. M

    Nooooo! DD:

    One time I was offered tickets to a concert, but I took to long to take them. Someone else got them before I did. x.x Sad, really.