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  1. X


    I have the daschund version. My first ever dog is Socks. The Siberian Husky. <33 I love her so much. :D She's so enegetic and playful, I wish she was a real dog. >:
  2. X


    For some reason you remind me of this person I know from Heaven's Gate. o: Hi! Enjoy your stay. c:
  3. X


    Okayy, I'll add you. When you get on. :D
  4. X


    Im not much better. Lvl 10 LOL. Whats your name? c: Im xLALA there.
  5. X

    School days

    We've got the week off. O: Half term. American people have one LOONNGG summer holiday. We have 6 weeks summer holiday's and lost of other holidays scattered through out the year. c:
  6. X

    Game Systems

    Nintendo DS Lite Nintendo DS PS2 Wii Gameboy colour Gameboy advance c:
  7. X


    Does anybody play LaTale? I'm OBSESSED with it at the moment. >: I actually made a youtube video for it, LOL. -uploading- C: so yeah. I'll meet you in game if you do.
  8. X

    Alas, friends, we are not dead.

    Omg. I'm exactly the same. I'll be watching a program, then a commercial comes on when it's finished, and I can't remember. D: Memory loss sucks.
  9. X

    How tall are you?

    5'3" or 5'4". I'm 13- short. D: well, compared to the people in my class.
  10. X

    Something funny

    Well, I love all of ABBA's songs. And Mamma Mia is an actual song that Abba sings. Probably why it has ABBA songs in it. :) And Haha, XD.
  11. X

    anouther Animal Crossing Q...

    She doesn't "come" to your town. She's the Hairdresser in Nookingtons. To get nookingtons you have to buy items in the shop to upgrade it. Then once you have Nookway get someone from another town to come over and buy an item from the shop, then get the visitor to leave. Buy some items in...
  12. X

    Animal crossing Q...

    Every saturday night at 8pm go into the museum, and at your left there will be a doorway. Go through there and at first you'll see Brewster the pidgeon. Then keep walking until you see K.K. Slider- the dog. Talk to him and either ask for a random song or request one. Search google for other...
  13. X


    You too! :P Thanks for the welcomee. ;)
  14. X


    Ah, don't worry about that. I've been on so many forums I've probably memorised all of the rules. :P Dont spam, flam swear. No big fonts, nasty images etc. :3 Thankss <33 :D
  15. X


    Well, yeah. So lemme introduce myself. My name is Cindy, I live in England. I'm 13 years old. I love reading fact books, and hate maths. Im not in the mood for Tamagotchi's at the moment, I'm one of those people who love Tamagotchi's one day, and the next I like to watch them die. Uhh, I...