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  1. S

    How many songs?

    I Have 123 Songs On My iPod & iTunes.
  2. S

    iPods or Zunes?

    iPod <3
  3. S

    Which Ipod do you perfer?

    In The Poll Where It Says ' iPod Rainbow ' Is It These iPods? That's My Favourite Type Of iPod, Cause I Got One For Christmas Last Year (2008) iPod Nano....4G....8GB....Purple.... <3 ^_^
  4. S

    Mac vs. PC

    Mac.... <3
  5. S

    What E-Mail Server Do You Use?

    Hotmail/Windows Live all the way!
  6. S

    Brothers and Sisters?

    I have a twin brother, who is very annoying and also a sister who is 6 months old on the 12th of December.
  7. S

    So wat is your hair color?

    I have brown/wavy hair and its up to my collar bone. I had black hair when I was born.
  8. S


    I mostly talk to my friends at school, MSN and by texting, sometimes on the phone but not usually. Most of my friends have MSN
  9. S

    What kind of cell phone do you have?

    I have a Samsung A701 : Click it's pretty cool
  10. S

    How old are your parents?

    My Mum is 35 and My Dad is 37.. And I'm 14.
  11. S

    Your house

    Somewhat Clean, Because My family and I had to clean it cause My cousins (they's 5 of them) are comming to stay at my house tomorrow for a few days! (they're all boys!) It used to be a bit messy... My brothers bedroom is still really messy though!
  12. S

    The high light && lowlight of your day

    Highlight: Its Sunday... No School, And I got a pet fish in my room XD. Lowlight: I don't really have one today.
  13. S

    What's The Reason?

    Username: I was Listing to the song ' Superhuman - Chris Brown ', And just added the ' x. ' to make it look nicer. Avatar: Well its True Sometimes. Signature: I don't have one.
  14. S

    What are you listening to now?

    With You - Chris Brown