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  1. H

    wRiTiNg iN wHiTe

    " up guys? I think we should start a conversation in white. how's life?? Good for me! Merry Xmas by the way xDDDD" --- I find this to be extremely white XD (not a racial joke.)
  2. H

    Holiday food/beverage

    Every Christmas eve, we eat hamburgers for dinner. I don't really like them, but I eat it anyways.
  3. H

    Meeting someone face 2 face

    So you live near each other?
  4. H

    the frog test!

    I've gotten it twice now ;)
  5. H


    15? o-o;;
  6. H

    the frog test!

    At first I was like : omg. im not smarter than a chinese second grader :P aw hell no! Then I got it ;)
  7. H

    Meeting someone face 2 face

    Similar, but not the same.
  8. H


    You were incorrect ;) 11? haha .
  9. H

    Holiday food/beverage

    Very holiday like :)
  10. H


    13? o-o;;
  11. H

    Meeting someone face 2 face

    Omg, your 8? XD ----- I've met someone face to face through the forums, just not this one.
  12. H

    Holiday food/beverage

    Egg nog? Cinnamon buns? :) what's your favorite holiday food/beverage? (traditional or not)
  13. H


    pffft .. far from 12 :) 14 ? Wild guess ...
  14. H

    What are some of your fave sayings?

    "A quick temper will cause your trouble".
  15. H


    12 ? Correct? :]
  16. H

    V5 SLEEP

    *nods head* :]
  17. H

    What did you get this Christmas?

    Folie A Deux ? :)
  18. H

    What did you get this Christmas?

    We haven't opened presents yet O.o
  19. H

    V5 SLEEP

    What time is it where you live? They go to bed at nine. Also, is it on AM or PM?
  20. H

    V5 Was a Big Letdown

    I don't think the v5 was a BIG let down. I kind of like it , though I don't favor it like I do my v4. ha Ha. It's nor horrible. Lol. Everyone is bagging on it, but when you think about it, Bandai was just trying to do something new. You can't fault them from that, can ya? So they made a mistake...