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  1. S


    I don't use the internet ones. We have one coming up in school, I think, but I dunno. But yeah, I don't need numbers to prove to you how smart I am. x.x
  2. S


    Honestly? Honestly, you can't be true. Honestly, I'm watching you. Honestly, I fear for my life, And honestly, stop sharpening that knife. Listen to me, please. I'm saying this, And I'm on my knees. You wouldn't do it, honestly? And so you weren't telling a lie. I must say, I wasn't...
  3. S

    How are you punished by your parents?

    ... Nothing? I mean, a slight, "Blah blah blah, don't do that." And then a "Go to your room." But I get out anyway. Thinking about it... I suppose that's why I'm so terrible as a child. I don't get punished. My dad never believed in hitting children, and my mum didn't like shouting. I just...
  4. S

    I've been wondering for a while...

    Maybe birds were having a fight? Don't take this the wrong way, but sometimes, people make things up to make themselves feel better. If she is seeing things, then that's okay, just, as long as she's happy with it. When my first dog passed away, I kept seeing paw prints on the floor. It was...
  5. S

    Whats 'in' at the moment, girls?

    Neon gloves. Like, they're just a solid colour. Green/pink/yellow/orange. And people cut off the fingertips and wear black gloves, or a different colour neon glove under them. I find them stupid, as they're not practical, and you can't wear them in school. :| But I don't really know. I stick...
  6. S

    Stupid Bands at School

    My school's not too bad. No jackets inside, no hats on inside. We have a uniform ,so yeah. we can do whatever we like to our bodies though. Like piercings, fine. Hair dye, fine. Tattoos, fine.. You know, all that. And mobile phones aren't allowed on school grounds, but teachers let you use...