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  1. Z

    Music Star going nuts!

    Binary you are my hero. Not only did you tell me the thing about the batteries earlier, you fixed my sound too! /bow Thanks! :D
  2. Z

    Music Star going nuts!

    I've kept it relatively dry on my desk so I don't think its water. I'll try the reset though and let you know if that works.
  3. Z

    It reset itself....

    wow really! Thanks binary I honestly didn't know that. I was just going off my experience with my V1 (have only had the Music Star for a month).
  4. Z

    It reset itself....

    I believe the tamagotchi requires constant power from batteries to operate (no backup power :furawatchi: ). When batteries are taken out of it, it loses its power source and turns off. When you added your new batteries and turned it back on, it reset just like when you removed the tag when you...
  5. Z

    Music Star going nuts!

    Nono. i've had it for a little bit so i know about the concert music and stuff. Any sound it makes now is weird though. Its just not sounding like it has for the past month. Must be a hardware issue :furawatchi: :lol:
  6. Z

    Music Star going nuts!

    My music star is sounding totally goofy after I paused it for school and then came home. It sounds as if it's only playing certain notes and all the sounds are either high pitched and terrible and low, weird, and wrong. Anyone else had to deal with this or did my tama just endure a freak accident?