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  1. M


    Name: Jane Gender: Female Age: 1 Generation: 2nd Species: Ojyotchi (i think!)   - Daughter of Davy :)
  2. M


    Yey! My tama just had a baby with Yattatchi, its a girl! I shall call her Jane! :D
  3. M

    IM NEW AND I NEED SOME HELP: Matchmaker for v4

    Im new, well i was new a couple of days ago! I need some help, my tama's 6 and should turn 7 tonight, when will the matchmaker come? Tamagotchi V4: Name: Davy Species: Pyontitchi Age: 6 and a half Gender: Male Generation: 1st :wub: :ichigotchi: :wacko: :D :kusatchi...
  4. M


    :D Name: Davy Gender: Male Age: 5 Generation: 1st Species: Pyontitchi :blink: :D :lol: :mellow: :ph34r: MademoiselleBoleyn
  5. M

    Where do you care for tamas?

    :D I take mine every where! Today at school i got really bored during my business studies lesson so i started playing the mime game on my v4, once it bleeped in a very "serious" assembly i turned bright red! :mellow: