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  1. X

    Who is your least favorite character?

    Yeah... Thats true... Papakurotchi isn't as bad as Papapatchi.. he scares me..
  2. X

    V4: I got Mizutamatchi AGAIN! grrrr!

    Maybe you are getting the meme family all the time because... 1. They think its funny, and laugh at you, like this---> :D :D :P 2. They don't like the way you treat them, and they don't like you.----> ;) :wacko: :ph34r: 3. or you have the meme curse!! ---> :(...
  3. X

    Mimitchi Pixel art

    Try taking a picture of your tama, not close up or anything, upload the file to your computer, and open it in paint/photoshop/gimp. Then zoom in as much as you can. Take a screenshot of the enlarged picture, and print it out. Is that what you meant?
  4. X

    wRiTiNg iN wHiTe

    >Lolololol. I want randomness. O_O Uh.. I like to.. MURDER!! DESTROY!! HAHAHAHAHAHAA
  5. X

    Edit the song title above!

    What lime is it? xD
  6. X


    "Oh yeah" x3
  7. X

    1000 NOT to do in a elevator

    25; Murder them 26; Jab them 27; elbow them 28 Shout "OMELET" as loud as you can