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  1. X

    Boy or Girl?

  2. X

    Who was the last person to PM you?

    Admin. But I'm pretty sure it was automated ^^
  3. X

    I am starting a forum!

    I'll check it out, maybe join.
  4. X

    Billy Mays is Dead O:

    A lot of the people I know hate him 'cause he was always shouting, just like 'Krystal wrote it. Poor Billy Mays, you are in a better place know, though. Next thing you know, Tyra Banks dies.
  5. X

    Hello to all humans!

    Hello everyone! I'm x.Sanctuary. I found this site on Tamagotchi Topsites a couple of months ago, but I felt too shy to join, as you already have 80,000+ members. I rediscovered Tamagotchis recently, so I decided to join ^^ I spend most of my time with electronic stuff, whether its on the...