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  1. G


    I kinda wish I would have gotten a black one, but oh well.
  2. G

    OMG STOP complaining!

    I agree.. the prices are getting more and more reasonable. The only reason that we in the United States have to pay more is because of shipping mostly. Even if it were in the U.S, it would still be expensive. I ordered a pink tamagotchi color off of hovanfue last week for $52 plus $18 shipping...
  3. G


    Well, I havn't actually recieved my tamagotchi color yet, but just over a week ago, I ordered a pink one off of Hovanfue. It has been shipped and should be here in less than a week. I just love the pink color, and cant wait to see it in person.
  4. G

    Hey I'm new.. but

    Awe, thank you both! This makes me feel so much better. Though, I think I am dying from anticipation for my tmgc+c! I just got an email from the website saying that there will be a small delay ;) so that means I must wait..
  5. G


    I have to say, I am new to tamatalk, and the reason that I joined is so that I could talk to other people with tamagotchis. I am 18, and none of my friends have or even like tamagotchis. My parents think I am way too old also. So, I got to thinking, maybe I am too old? And then I came to...
  6. G

    Hey I'm new.. but

    Hey all, I'm new here. I have had a few tamas throughout my life, mostly when I was aroung eight years old. When the V1s came out (I was in 7th grade I believe), I got one. I played with it for a pretty long time, and had forgotten about it for many years. A few months ago, I found my V1 and...