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  1. H

    Buying a tamagotchi...

    My cousin is turning 6 today and SHE saw a advertisement for tamagotchi. She never told anybody she wanted anything , but i saw a sprinkle of joy in her eye when she watch the advertisement. My question is what tamagotchi version should i get for her. shes into hannah montana thing (meaning...
  2. H

    nnnneeeeedddy tamagotchi?

    My tamagotchi is so needy if i look away from my tamagotchi for a minute it goes crazy (I use volume). its always hungry , can you help me? ~~thanks~ :D
  3. H

    mmm kay...

    That never happend to mine , Im sorry for your lost.... Did you drop it? I dropped my tamagotchi once and it just died.
  4. H

    What happened?

    They are supposed to do that. Its almost like real life, The mother or father leaves their baby and goes away. Then the baby grows , on and on its the cycle of tamagotchi life. :P
  5. H

    School points?

    Yes, I know that already Ive been getting them right though. It just happened with my other tamagotchi.
  6. H

    Version 5 bonding!?

    My tamagotchi isnt bonding.. i have a question is bonding only for 2 generation? Its always 0%. I have a mattaritchi, sakuramotchi, and a ahirukutchi. ~~thanks~~ :mametchi: :mametchi: :mametchi:
  7. H

    Oldie with a child?!?!?

    My tamagotchi turned into a oldie, then i heard a low beeping/screeching sound. Thats when i found out she had a baby . I have a version 4.5, but the most strangest thing that my baby left from 5 minutes i think.... and came back it was very werid . But now my oldie is dead , the baby never...
  8. H

    School points?

    When i said "train it" i meant by making to go to school and making my points go up.
  9. H

    My tama didnt come back.

    Yes forgot to tell.... i have done that already though . Its very strange once i restart then download there a really loud BEEPING sound then it comes back saying "away". Please help i want my tamagotchi back. ~~thanks~~
  10. H

    My tama didnt come back.

    I was connecting my tamagotchi to another tamagotchi and it said "away" but t never came back, right now its just stuck saying "away". I have no idea what to do. ~~thanks~~
  11. H

    School points?

    I have a version 4.5 tamagotchi and i changed my school teacher to "Mr. canvas ", I have a 38 of a funny points, 28 gorgeous , and 49 on spiritual. But nothings happening when i train it. can you help me?? ~~thanks~~
  12. H

    Im new with my tamagotchi...

    Thanks i lost it. Your a great help ~~thanks~~
  13. H

    Im new with my tamagotchi...

    I just got a new tamagotchi its a version 5 . I really dont get the growth chart for version 5. Can anyone tell me the screen buttons?, such as the televison...... please tell me everything about the version 5 ~~thanks~~ :ichigotchi:
  14. H

    How to get another teacher, version 4.5

    Dont want Mr. turtle? want to have canvas teacher or flower teacher?. Well now i can help. This is only for school not for pre-school. When you have (!) in your tama mail. when Mr. turtle come on your screen press the button A (left button). ~~thanks and welcome~~ :mellow:
  15. H

    Want to make your tama cozy?

    All you need to make a bed for your tamagotchi is One chunk of polymer CLAY A OVEN COTTON BALLS form a bean bag seat from your clay it should like this: you can decorate the bean bag with stars or stickers from your tamagotchi package...
  16. H

    I dont get it...

    Thanks alot it help me so much! ~~thanks~~
  17. H

    Present stuck?

    My tamagotchi is a version 4.5 as u said, its only a animation . As i said its not leaving . ~~thanks~~
  18. H

    I dont get it...

    Any tamagotchi growth chart. thanks anyway ur a great help ~~thanks~~
  19. H

    I dont get it...

    I dont really get the growth chart i had a "ura young yattatchi" and it evolved into a "horoyotchi" ~~thanks~~