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    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    Blue skinny jeans Black and white striped tank top A bathing suit underneath all that (I went to the beach earlier today :]) Andddd, blue flip-flops! :wacko: Btw, I like the song in your signature Cinderpelt! :o All Time Low is pretty amazing...
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    A is for AC/DC
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    Haha Under the Sea...Love that song! I like your taste in music! Disney! Haha :) V is forrr The Veronicas!
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    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    9/10 Haha, fits your siggy perfectly!
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    have you had braces?

    Rubber bands are torture!!!! I hate them too! This is my second time having braces... I have to get braces twice and retainers three times because I have "two stages" or something....I've already had the retainers twice (one time with an expander) and I'm about to get my braces off! Then I'll...
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    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    Red skinny jeans with two zippers below the pockets. A black and white striped tank top. Blue flip-flops with white and green stripes on them.