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  1. K

    My little school tips

    I just turn the time on to nine (9) a clock PM and they go to sleep. Then I just leave them at home. When I come back (3 o clock) there STILL sleeping.
  2. K to choose the character

    Just taking care of it's Happiness and Hungriness, isn't enough to get a "perfect" care. You have to lower it's stress, care not to overfeed it, and missing it when it calls is considered bad care. Look naming your pet a certain name will NOT make it a certain character. It can be a coincidence...
  3. K to choose the character

    I suggest you studdy more your Tamagotchi, I named my girl on music star Mimi and it turned out to be a Masktchi. :huh: Here is a growth chart that tells you how to get a character. So this board may be a fake.
  4. K

    Hi there, I'm new,

    My name's Junior, I have a Tamagotchi v.5 and a Muic Star. I'm saving to get a EnTama and a TMCG+Color (Tamagotchi +Color). Hi.... - :huh: -