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  1. T

    Custom growth charts

    PS. I will most likely respond to a email than a comment. ;)
  2. T

    Custom growth charts

    OK, tell me all your tamagotchis, (one generation for each custom) and I will make a growth chart with all of ur tamas. ( Tell me the name of the baby, adult, teen, and senior.) I will also tell you weather you are taking care of it, and some of it's favorite things. Comment here or reach me at...
  3. T

    Help on a plane!

    SIMPLE!!! press the A and then the B button (shortly after the A) and your tama will pause. When you get back, your tamas will seem like you never left. They will have the same hunger and happiness level. ;) BON VOYAGE!!!!! :) :) :) ;) ;)
  4. T

    BEST V3 Growth Chart Ever!

    :D THX i was looking all over 4 a good one!! I have mohitamatchi and it says my parents are healthy. I hope i am a good parent to my tama!!! :o (it works on V4.5 too. i tried it.)
  5. T

    Tama Wheight

    My tama is 36 lbs and is almost a year. (I think) I am afraid to exercise it cuz i don't want it to become too skinny if it is not. My tama also loves chocolate bars and i bought a lot on v4.5 tamatown online. It is very unhappy and keeps wanting more. I feed it healthy meals, but i don't want...
  6. T

    Mating help?

    OK! if you have a v4.5 or a v4, this is simple!! :o Here are the steps needed to find the perfect match for your tamagotchi (it helps if it is fully grown.) 1. Find out what kind of tamagotchi you have. 2. log on to tamatown and got to the town hall. 3. click on the meet tamatown game. 4. play...