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  1. T

    Passing Judges

    I got O-O-X still tried a fhew practic not working so what should i do
  2. T


    Was Connecting to a firend to play games some times says fail idk y and some time I played by myself :angry: :( ;)
  3. T

    Tips on Where NOT to take your tama!

    Another place NOT to bring is Dream world. its a VERY big NONO no matter how you want to. if your going on the Giant drop you can dop it or scream to much and drop it 2.visting the Tiger's you can drop it in the bush 3.bumper car can squash it if they where on the floor 3.the beaver...
  4. T

    I wake my Tama Up..

    my one was a hitode-tchi but on Music Star but last night it went back to sleep :mellow:
  5. T

    I wake my Tama Up..

    I waked her up and i want her to SLEEP again i even changed the time can some one tell me *its the 2nd time i did that
  6. T

    Won't change favorite instrument, for GOOD.

    i think i might know you go to gamesgo down to music and i think then you could change it :D
  7. T

    how do you get dazzlatchi?

    I got ResultCode=ERROR&ServerDate=20100811030651 after i enter it? :(
  8. T

    Breeding grop!

    I Got Music Star.Still A Toddler since i brought it today :D :(
  9. T

    Confused.. what does Hitodetchi evolve into?

    How Do i get Memetchi or Makiko :(