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  1. M


    ILY very much Ezzie, with all of my heart
  2. M


    Even though I've not really spoken to anyone yet...Everyone seems awesome so y'know...HEY EVERYBODY
  3. M

    Good day to you all.

    Thank you OldSchoolTama for the welcome ^^ Thank you to you too Clara...You like Higurashi aswell? Awesome! I've seen all 55 episodes and I'm buying the first manga ^^
  4. M

    Good day to you all.

    Hehehehe. My apologies miss, I do try my best ^^...I'm just a little hyper thus the bad grammar...However, usually I do prefer keeping my grammar as best I can miss ^^ In any case, thank you for welcoming me :3
  5. M

    Good day to you all.

    :P whos arthur? is he hot? like fire? like all bright and shiny? like a vampire? like twilight? xDD
  6. M

    Good day to you all.

    I am Mvalentine...I am new here...And also I...I...I am done with talking all formal...HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! IM Mvalentine I'M HYPER AND ITS GREAT TO MEAT...I MEAN MEET YOU ALL! Lady conscience told me about this place and asked me to join up and stuffs so here I am! I love anime and music and...