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  1. C

    Does Tama-Go seem a little simple?

    I, just bought a tama-go 4 days ago, for me, its pretty boring, but maybe because im just in first gen, Bob (my tamas name) just turned into a toddler 2 mins before I posted this. When i went onto the tamatown site for tama-go, i was like "wow, i like the cool night backround thing" and then...
  2. C

    do you like any of the new tama-go towns

    Yeah, its boring, i like v3 tamatown the best. cause you can acctually get codes. the new tamatown (for musicstar and tama-go) is boring unless you have a music star, its more focused on the musicstar. I was expecting to get some coeds to put onto my tama-go, i was like "wow... this sucks."
  3. C

    Unable to Get to Tamatown Login Page

    Yeah, this was happening for me and i was rlly made, cuz a tamagotchi wont be fun without it, os i just disabled my antivirus for like a hour now it works