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  1. Dala_Vyktoria

    Only One Baby?!

    It isn't a pure family, because to get a pure family we have to marry a Mametchi with a Chantotchi, a Memetchi with a Mumutchi, a Kuchipatchi with a Yonepatchi and a Furawatchi with a Sukatchi... And in all these cases we have to bonding to 100%... So, in my case, this is impossible 'cause I...
  2. Dala_Vyktoria

    Only One Baby?!

    Oh... That explains all u__u So, I will never have a Violetchi, snif... u__u And, with the eggs... It's strange, 'cause all my generations had had three eggs... Until today, so... It's too weird o_o
  3. Dala_Vyktoria

    Only One Baby?!

    Hello! I married my Rosetchi with a Gulastchi and they turned into a Tennyotchi and Gulasantchi, and they only had one baby (a Futabatchi)! What happened?? O_O I'm in the 11 generation... I want to get a Violetchi, this would be a trouble...? Please help me, I'm too confussed! O__O
  4. Dala_Vyktoria

    How can I get a Furawatchi?

    Thanks a lot! =D I'm very grateful for your help! n__n
  5. Dala_Vyktoria

    How can I get a Furawatchi?

    Sorry xP for a V5, please :furawatchi:
  6. Dala_Vyktoria


    Could be... The problem now is that we only can get Eiyutchi if we give to Mametchi a Golden Been, isn't? :huh:
  7. Dala_Vyktoria

    About Familitchi

    Really? I've had many Bellchies and Ichigotchies and they never turned into Watatchi... :rolleyes:
  8. Dala_Vyktoria

    How can I get a Furawatchi?

    Hello again! xP Well, thats the question: How can I get a Furawatchi? :huh:
  9. Dala_Vyktoria

    About Familitchi

    Ok... And Someone have the others codes? I read the topic of codes, but any worked with my Tama T-T But thanks for your replay :blink:
  10. Dala_Vyktoria


    Thank you for you answer! You helped me a lot! :D
  11. Dala_Vyktoria

    Tamagotchi V5 Codes

    Thanks for all your replays n_n but, all the codes of this page didn't work in my Tamagotchi! T-T I don't know what to do u_u Only two codes (one is to get a tulip, and the other is to get a magic rode) worked in my toy...
  12. Dala_Vyktoria


    Ok... But I had read about that we could match our characters with someone to make a pure family (like Mametchi and Chantotchi), do you know who is the "half orange" of Antoinetchi? :huh:
  13. Dala_Vyktoria


    Ok... But I had read about that we could match our characters with someone to make a pure family (like Mametchi and Chantotchi), do you know who is the "half orange" of Antoinetchi? :huh:
  14. Dala_Vyktoria

    Oldies - when do they die?

    Oh, good! I'm very happy about it, 'cause I love my three characters! Thank you for your replay! :D
  15. Dala_Vyktoria

    Tamagotchi V5 Codes

    Hello! :furawatchi: I had been searching in the internet about the T V5 codes and I haven't find them... Someone know them? 'Cause I read the topic of the Tamagotchi codes and it doesn't have them T-T I'm not sure if you could help me, 'cause I think that this forum have another kind of...
  16. Dala_Vyktoria


    Hello! :furawatchi: I was reading about the Tamagotchi V5 and I found that some "pure" families in the Tamagotchi could get a pet! :o Someone know how get them? :rolleyes: I hope that you can help me. Thanks ;)
  17. Dala_Vyktoria


    Hello! ;) I have a Tamagotchi V5 and I wanna marry my Antoinetchi with someone... Who do you believe that is the best candidate for her? I had seen some charts of the characters, and it says which are the correct couples (like Kuromametchi and Makiko, for example) but, being Antoinetchi a...
  18. Dala_Vyktoria

    Oldies - when do they die?

    Hi! n_n I have a question about that... In Tamagotchi V5 the characters gets old if I have them for a looong time? :huh: Because I have three characters (Antoinetchi, Kuromametchi and Hotteatchi) that I like a lot and I don't want that they turn into grandpas and grandmas and they loose the...
  19. Dala_Vyktoria

    About Familitchi

    Thank you for your replays! =D Now I know how to get a Watatchi! n_n But, both codes doesn't work in my tama! :angry: I don't know if it's 'cause my Tamagotchi is of other brand... I believe that is a Famitama or Familitchi or Tamagotchi Connection V5, I don't know what's the problem =S...