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  1. D3C01

    Which Tamagotchi is Better/Do you prefer?

    I haven't played with either of them but The Devilgotch seems pretty fun
  2. D3C01

    Your collection

    I have: 2 Version 3's 1 Version 4 1 Version 4.5 3 Version 6's 2 Tama-Go's And 1 Tamasuku (Tamagotchi School) :kuribotchi:
  3. D3C01

    what is ur first favorite or first tama character EVER!

    My first was was a ponytchi on v.4 My favorite is either Kuromametchi or ShimaShimatchi
  4. D3C01

    Is this normal?

    It depends how well you take care of your tama, if you take good care of it you will get different characters then if you take bad care of it. Hope this helps! :kuribotchi:
  5. D3C01

    This has never happened before

    Well I dont know , did you drop it by any chance. I have had my Tama-GO for quite a while and this has never happned to me...