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  1. S

    Tamagotchi at Toyfair 2014

    Most of the photos shown these Tamagotchi Friends being sold for $19.99 but the ToysRUs near my area has them for $22.99. If you guys did not know, you can do a price match in store using the online website (which displays them for $19.99).
  2. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    Guess it wont be a Mickey Mouse head after all. Looks very Disney Princess theme like... Said to be released November 23, 2013.
  3. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    Its probably going to end up as the heart ones since it is a collaboration rather than a regular Tamagotchi change pierce. The thought of the iconic Mickey Mouse head is interesting.
  4. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    I thought that the Yumemiru Change Ribbon was an exception? Big... ribbon. Personally do not like. Gets dirty quick.
  5. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    So um... Earlier posts, someone said there would be a vote on who makes it into the Tamagotchi Ps Anniversary pierce. I think these are the results? I am surprised no one posted this yet. =X
  6. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    Can anyone confirm that the Coffret set has a pink or purple back? Because those two colors look similar. But I feel that its going to be pink because of the heart in the pierce slot... Yellow and purple isnt a bad combo.
  7. S

    Tamagotchi P Pierce Data Stuck?

    It appears that the link between the pierce and tamagotchi has expired. Took long enough. Also was able to get the last puzzle piece. I dont know what you get for completing though.
  8. S

    Tamagotchi P Pierce Data Stuck?

    I was tempted to wed him off after reading some other thread about how someone elses Tamagotchi got hitched within hours of becoming an adult. ><! Is there a correct way to taking off a pierce because it seems to be stuck tight and I dont want to end up breaking anything by forceful...
  9. S

    Tamagotchi P Pierce Data Stuck?

    To confirm, the piercing only made contact for a minute. It has been unplugged all this time. I think today has been the third full day that the data has been lingering though... I guess this is the longest so far that has been reported? I will continue to keep watch, cant do much anyways...
  10. S

    Tamagotchi P Pierce Data Stuck?

    So... Before I got my Tamagotchi Ps, I did a bunch of snooping about the deco pierce. With all the confusion, learned that the pierces are not a one time use and can be passed around towards multiple Tamagotchi Ps. Other details include: Quoted and credit goes to ichiro.malfoy.* - If you...
  11. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    I just took out my Melody Land tamagotchi and I was wondering if all of these back shells have pearl shimmer dust... Reminds me of nail polish... Also... Is it just me or these dual color Tamagotchis are just the original colors + pink back. Melody Land: Purple + Pink Aikatsu: White + Pink...
  12. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    I got my package from Japan~! Took me 2 hours of unboxing... Gachapon set. Closer look at one those Gachapon deco pierce filler trinket things... Not what I expected. They look like fruit gummies infused with glitter. Instructions?
  13. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    Quote from SailorRosette: We could guess the colors and design. That could be fun. For the Cofflet set. I am thinking Blue and Purple with white and a cloud pierce. Maybe I will decide to get another Tama P, I guess I am glad I'm waiting around. For now, I am leaning to the Melody Land...
  14. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    I cant find those gachapon things anywhere else except Rakuten and they dont ship outside Japan unless you buy some sort if forwarding service for a hefty price. Wasnt the release date of those April 5? D=
  15. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    They updated the image on Rakuten for those Tamagotchi P gachapon heart pierce slot replacement toy things...
  16. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    I havent expeessed my thanks. So... Thank you very much, ichiro.malfoy, for clarifying the deco pierce issue. As for the guide book... i would want it to stare at the pictures... However it runs for over $25 on eBay! This is a problem if I just look at pictures and being totally...
  17. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    Oooh... This makes me more eagar to get the ASAP. Xox Another inquiry regarding the Tamagotchi Perfect Secret Notebook. Ive seen a video of it and it was mentioned here many pages back. It looks like it holds the pages of the deco pierces perfectly. Is it recommened to get it even though I...
  18. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    Im going to make up a scenario for the sake of my understanding. So lets say I get a Blue P and a Yellow P. I also get the Circus pierce and Melody Land pierce. I use the Circus deco pierce on the Yellow P. Under conditions where I do not have a special character (limitations where...
  19. S

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    I had read almost or I think all the pages of this thread. Googled some things but get no answer. So... I made an account so I can jibber and "annoy" you guys. There was a post from ichiro.malfoy regarding the tama deco pierces from some instructions. It said that the deco pierce can only hook...