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  1. L

    New, fun, Tamagotchi Online Game!

    Break icicles and sometimes they fall out
  2. L

    New, fun, Tamagotchi Online Game!

    There's a secret way to get to him but it isn't that way. I've done it before, try taking a different path that you wouldn't expect to get to him on. :hitodetchi: *hint* *hint* :angry:
  3. L


    Am I the only one here who has a DS, because I have two of them.... :huh:
  4. L

    New, fun, Tamagotchi Online Game!

    I found a new cool Tamagotchi game on called Return to Tamagotchi Planet. You can either choose to be a Mametchi or Memetchi and you journey around the world looking for Gotchi Points, befrending other Tamagotchis to help you on your quest, and fighting monsters to find the ticket...
  5. L

    Under penalty of law LOOK HERE... plz

    A baby turns into a toddler the day it's born, a toddler turns into a teen at 1 or 2, a teen turns into a adult at 3 or 4.
  6. L

    Can someone help

  7. L

    I know how to get a butterfly!

  8. L

    My tama had an affair!

    It's normal for a tama to fall in love with more than one tama, even if they already have already mated and had a baby.
  9. L

    All The Tamas I've had

    :) Sorry, but I don't think this topic is appropiate for this section, you should put it in another section.
  10. L

    Secret Character in Tama Mini

    If anyone is wondering how to get a Oyajitchi for sure, here's how to do it: 1) Grow your tama to the oldtimer stage stage 2) Mate your oldtimer with someone else's oldtimer 3) After the oldtimer leaves, raise your new tama to the adult stage and he/she will become a oyajitchi
  11. L

    is ufootchi an adult

    Ufotchi is not an adult, it's a teen. You use the love potion by making your Tamagotchi drink it when it's a adult at the age of 5 or more. Then you connect with a Tama of the opposite gender and your Tama will gain all the hearts necesary to mate with them.
  12. L

    Death with a Baby

    :o I'm a boy...
  13. L


    Not enough information for someone to help you, what version is it and what did you do to it?
  14. L


    Here are the listings for the evolving stages[/b] Baby-Toddler: 24 hrs.   Toddler-Teen- 72 hrs. (Aprroximately) Teen-Adult- 72 hrs. (Aprroximately)   Adult-Oldtimer- 120 hrs. (Aproximately)
  15. L

    My costume!

    Your tama takes the costume of when it goes to sleep. If it's the Mimitchi one it goes back to your items and if it's the Panda one it dissapears. You can re-enter the code to get the Panda one again but this time you'll have to buy it for 2,500 points.
  16. L

    Giant poop!

    You people are weird, you must really be obsessed with poop.
  17. L


    I got one when I was in Japan visiting my brother!!! But if you don't know how to speak Japanese or visit Japan a lot like me so you can hook up with a cell phone, it's not worth getting.
  18. L

    Death with a Baby

  19. L

    very very alarmed please help!

    you're confused. A UFO tama is a teen.
  20. L

    my tama is 40!

    :ph34r: HAHAHAHA! I can't believe your grandparents take care of your tama! Sorry, I just find that hilarious.