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  1. musicalcakes

    Same Characters on Tamagotchi Friends

    It is pretty hard to get anything other than the "perfect" care characters. They evolve so fast that it's hard to accidentally rack up enough care misses....I think you have to deliberately neglect your tama to get anything lower than perfect on Friends.
  2. musicalcakes

    Tamagotchi that's more difficult or interesting than Friends?

    Thank you! It arrived today and I'm already enjoying it lots!
  3. musicalcakes

    Tamagotchi that's more difficult or interesting than Friends?

    Thank you everyone! I've been looking into V2s and V3s and I found a cute V2! I think I'll get that one. :> I might try one of the more unique tamas like V6 later on! Update: Caught a cheap auction for a V2 (good thing I hadn't bought the other one yet)! It should be here by Christmas!
  4. musicalcakes

    Tamagotchi that's more difficult or interesting than Friends?

    I think those two are a little too crazy for me. I'm mostly looking for something that won't evolve into the best character even when it's neglected.
  5. musicalcakes

    Tamagotchi that's more difficult or interesting than Friends?

    Hello! I happened to be in Toys R Us last week and saw that they had Tamagotchi! To be honest, I didn't realize Bandai was still making them, so I picked one up for nostalgia's sake. Unfortunately, it seems kind of....too easy?! I didn't think I was taking particularly good care of the poor...