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  1. Nevery

    Nevery's tamas

    That's a shame to hear. As I mentioned, I got mine at a local second hand group on Facebook. Maybe you have something similar in your town? Thank you! :)
  2. Nevery

    Nevery's tamas

    Went to a job interview and the tamas came along. I didn't get the job, but hey, their loss. The other day I got some tama mail - with my Angelgotchi and NIB purple ID L. Unfortunately the ID L didn't start so I was heartbroken at first. I bought another pair of batteries and that started up...
  3. Nevery

    Nevery's tamas

    Made a new cover out of eyelash yarn. Slippery but easier to crochet. Also made some charm straps. I tend to wear my tamas in a lanyard when I work so I thought a strap with a lobster clasp would be practical. This morning I married off Kiramotchi with Knighttchi - he was the most stylish...
  4. Nevery

    Nevery's tamas

    The other day I recieved a used TF that I bought in a local second hand group on Facebook. The person I bought it from told me that the tama got attention for an hour by the child and then was abandoned. When I opened the envelope I was surprised to see that the tama had been active all this...
  5. Nevery

    Nevery's tamas

    This morning Painaputchi evolved to Hoshigirltchi and I am very pleased! Tried the gif-function on my cell phone and recorded Hoshigirltchi saying hi.
  6. Nevery

    Nevery's tamas

    Had a dinner meeting with my job today. Everyone brought their tamas! My Petithanatchi evolved into Painaputchi this morning. Didn't take a photo of it though because I've been swamped with school assignments. Four deadlines in one week, I'm going to die.
  7. Nevery

    Nevery's tamas

    Started on a crocheted cover last evening. I haven't crocheted since I was 9 or something. This morning Coffretchi turned 6 years so I married her off. The first time she visited the date place she had to choose between Wagassiertchi, Monakatchi and Charatchi but I turned them down. Second...
  8. Nevery

    Nevery's tamas

    Been working today, nothing special, but she is still awfully cute. I picked up some yarn on my way home from work to experiment with some covers and pouches. Also started thinking about making silicone cases for Tamas but that would require some experiments in molds and casts. Hm!
  9. Nevery

    Nevery's tamas

    Thank you! I was surprised at first because I practically shunned her during her childhood but heard that it's kind of hard to raise them poorly on the TF. Oh well, more of a challenge! :)
  10. Nevery

    Nevery's tamas

    It's been a couple of lazy days, for Coffretchi anyway. She's playing with sand castles in the park and here in Sweden it's snowing like there's no tomorrow. Jealous, me? Naaah.
  11. Nevery

    Nevery's tamas

    This log is mostly for my own logging pleasure but you are of course welcome to come along. :) Tamagotchi Friends UK version: started it up and got a boy. Turtletchi > Cosmotchi > Righttchi - married Julietchi. I'm now on 2G with a girl, currently: Terupotchi > Neotchi &gt...
  12. Nevery

    Wintery greetings from Sweden

    Hi, I recieved a Tamagotchi Friends from my boss as a Christmas gift from work. And now I am hooked. I never had a tama as a kid so I am making up for it now. ^_^ I am 32 years old, I live in Sweden and when I am not working part time in a Japanese pop culture store, I am studying to become...
  13. Nevery

    Does anyone over the age of 16 still play with tamagotchis?

    I am 32 and got a Tamagotchi Friends from my boss as a Christmas gift. I never owned one when I was a kid so I am super happy!