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  1. Wagaturtle

    Lost-a-gotchi: tales of woe about tamas lost, stolen, or sniped in an ebay bid

    As the title says, this is a space to vent about those tamas that are literally, physically, no longer with us. I'm genuinely curious to hear others' stories (as I'm sure any dedicated gotchi parent has had this sort of experience on some level); plus, telling those stories can be strangely...
  2. Wagaturtle

    Santaclautch is Comin' to Town!

    I'm so excited to read this! If I ever read a Santaclautch log in the past, it was so long ago I've completely forgotten everything. Best of luck! And I'll be checking out your main log, too. ^_^
  3. Wagaturtle

    Last Post Wins

    I'm the bomb dot com Extra explosive Going crazy like King Kong Potassium loaded ((Also, congrats Loganator!! That's awesome ^_^ ))
  4. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    August 8th (Part 4) The family also had this super cute game they'd play when I pressed the C button, where Goob and Guriguritchi would peek around the corner, and then hide, and then Akonin would run over to the edge of the screen and "find" them. Then they would all cheer and snuggle, and I...
  5. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    August 8th (Part 3) No sooner had I named Akonintchi, when the camera guy just DECIDED to show up at the house. And both sets of grandparents were there, too?? All logic aside, at least the family photo turned out cute. Now, this is where the M!X gets interesting (implying that it hasn't...
  6. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    August 8th (Part 2) And, of course, this is a Tamagotchi game, so next up were those timeless fireworks. Then, Goob and Guriguritchi were literally dropped in front of a church, from the sky, where they smooched and then rode off in a classy convertible with cans strung up on the back. There...
  7. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    August 8th (Part 1) Today's update is very exciting!!! Goob turned 6 "years" old, so I decided that the time was right... The Gozaru village theme looks very beautiful at night, by the way. One of my favorite things is walking with Goob through the streets when all the stars are out...
  8. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    I'm starting to wonder if I should just make posting every few days my official schedule. It's the unofficial one, at the very least. @otterboxers: Ahh, thank you for explaining that! That makes a lot more sense now. Thank you for reading, and for your help! August 7th I accidentally left...
  9. Wagaturtle

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    I know I just mentioned this above, but I'll add it again to corroborate ichiro's explanation - my gen 1 boy evolved into Gozarutchi, even though I didn't have Gozaru Village (or anything for that matter) unlocked, and his entire hometown transformed into a Gozaru-looking town. I'm not sure if...
  10. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    August 6th (Part 2) While we were in Flower Hills, Goob bought some seeds to plant in his front yard. Y'know, just smack-dab in the middle. No big deal. Not like anyone has to walk there or anything. He was so pleased with the outcome, he went straight to Patchi Forest and shared with...
  11. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    Now for the update for yesterday! Also, I just realized I almost forgot to reply to comments, so!! @Eternal Mametchi Fan: Thank you! Getting Gozarutchi was such a nice surprise. I wish more people would start M!X logs, especially since a lot of players are already to the "mixing" stage. I...
  12. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    Hello everyone! It's 1:55 AM at the time of typing this, and is there a better time to finally get around to writing a log update? I don't think so. Let's go! August 5th At around 8:00 AM, I caught Goob watching his morning television broadcast. Apparently it was an emotional rollercoaster...
  13. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    Wow, thank you everyone! I wasn't expecting this log to get so much love right off the bat! I'm glad y'all are liking it! I'll try not to make posts that aren't logs too often, but since there are already people commenting and being so kind and awesome, I just wanted to let you know the...
  14. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    August 4th (Part After that relaxing interlude, we went to check out the local goods! Here's one of my personal favorites. ((I mean, who wouldn't want to eat stew out of a hollowed-out tree stump? Sign me up!)) However, the best item is yet to come. I bought it in the toy...
  15. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    August 4th (Part 3) When we got back home, I sent Goob outside to play. I didn't even mean to do it, but I unlocked Patchi Forest! A little Rudolph-rat (dubbed as such because he's got a red nose) popped out of the ground and led Goob through a secret underground tunnel, which opened up again...
  16. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    August 4th (Part 2) After the construction workers left (*sheds a single tear*), Gozarutchi (whom I have decided to name "Goob") was innocently enjoying his new living room, when giant flowers sprouted out of nowhere and ate him!!! Okay, not quite that, but they did transport him to Flower...
  17. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    One last day, and then we'll be all caught up! August 4th (Part 1) I slept in again today, but that's par for the course. It actually ended up working out, because I wanted to purposefully neglect my Tama for a bit, in hopes of getting Kikitchi (who I assumed was the bad care character)...
  18. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    August 3rd (Part 2) It was already pretty late, so my Tama hit the hay soon after subjecting me to that very confusing bird scene. There isn't much else to write, but I did want to throw in some pictures of what the friends list (under the Book icon) looks like. Since I only had Tama Town...
  19. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    Hey hey hey, it's time for a log update! Let's jump right in! August 3rd (Part 1) So, we made it to the second day. My Tamagotchi isn't dead yet. Life is great. Today is actually pretty short, because I was sleeping for most of it. I've becoming essentially nocturnal due to my job - that...
  20. Wagaturtle

    Wagatama M!X Log with Pictures and Stuff

    August 2nd (Part 2) Once the hour was up, my little boy evolved into this television-shaped amoeba! Now that he was old enough to actually Do Stuff, we went out and explored Tama Town! First, I tried the Arcade, which is the second option at Tama Depa (the first option on the Door icon)...