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  1. K

    More names

    have any of you debugged your tama before? It is too risky for me to do it!
  2. K

    Ten poops!?

    Yeah..... You are weird!!! :wacko: :lol:
  3. K

    Is it true that you can debug a tamagotchi?

    Have you ever tried it before? It's to risky for me to take that chance.
  4. K


    :wacko: WHAT PET'S????? :lol:
  5. K


    The only holiday I've seen my tamagotchi do is it's birthday! Sparks and fireworks go all over the screen and then the tamagotchi jumps up and down.
  6. K

    What I hate about Tamagotchi

    So what that tamagotchi's come in girlish colours! There is white and blue and dark blue with the version 2 tamagotchi. Alot of boys still play with them no matter what colour they are!
  7. K

    Version 2 Tamagotchis

    The version 2 tamagotchi is cool!!!! You can earn points and go shopping AND you can wrap a present that you just bought! It came out with new designes too!