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  1. S

    How do you get the

    basicly you give it slightly better than average care! can't get it on gene1-v1 (that means you cant get it as your first tama adult after it being an egg.
  2. S

    godby rolo

    Tamagotchi's Name: rolo Tamagotchi's Age: 19 Date of Birth: no info Date of Passing: yesterday-19:09:05 What Generation? 1 Your Comments: he was a mametchi and he was the best! he seemed to know when i was sad because when i was sad, no matter what age, he was always doing something.
  3. S

    the life of ZoloZ

    hey, i'm stuck! a minut ago i was bouncing, and now i'm stuck! hay, i know where i am, i must be in an egg! right, now i have to break free, (scrape scrape scrape.....CRACK!) wahoo, i'm free!hay, theres a hill behind me, and a glass scoreen infront of me! woooooow! i'm in a...
  4. S

    everyone hates :angry:

    the :( went away
  5. S

    The Mean and Popular Mimitchi

    but he stopped when he bumped in to :( ...
  6. S

    the unmasked maskchi

    he went to a make-up artist to see if he could look like a memetchi. the artist tried but he ended up as a furawatchi! he went into the streat ans sighed, he would never have his dream face! but then...
  7. S

    The silly Mametchi

    the hole room turned into lolly-pop...