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  1. R

    get free stuff!

    i wanted to know how can i use the make-up set ? :D i saw a post saying that need a mirror but i kept restock my shop and i still can't see any mirror available :lol:
  2. R

    bump cheat

    i cant really get full bar all the time.Its hard to hit to full bar.But i think that is doesnt matter because my v3 tama (84pounds) me champion and only won 1200gp without full bar and sometimes even half bars in every rounds.oh ya i remembered that i fed my tama until 84 pounds again,it wouldnt...
  3. R


    that is sad B) Thanks anwayz!!!! ^^
  4. R


    :D I'm a new v3 tamagotchi owner.I check out the tamatown n its so cool!I've won various kind of prize but somehow,my tama can't use the souvenirs such as skateboard,teddy bear & etc.Why? Those things are so cute! :D It;s bored if just leave it as souvenirs which can't be used. I've...
  5. R

    Fairy Thinggy

    Fairy thinggy is cute.but how to get it ? i'm using connexion v2 and now my tamagotchi is just 1 year old & now she's a ringotchi She's been taken care properly.Full hearts every time but she does not really wants to play.Each time i need to timeout a few times and give her snacks or...