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  1. E

    When it's old

    I was trying to keep my adult tamagotchi around for a bit and then before I knew it, she is OLD. I don't have the Matchmaker coming anymore, so does it just not then once it's old?? How long do I have to wait now for it to be dead? I thought the matchmaker came for a longer time, but I guess...
  2. E


    so, I went to the shop to buy various items and today I noticed that there were these things that looked like bat wings. Sure enough, it's wings AND when I tried it on my Tama, it was a vampire! haha, it was floating around and it looked like it had fangs. So cool. My Tama is a boy Memetchi and...
  3. E


    Thank You so much! I felt like an idiot, but I mean they don't come with instructions like that! sheesh. ;) ~EtrnlyUrs
  4. E


    I was doing a search, but couldn't seem to find what I was looking for. I didn't understand any of this and so now I'm slowly learning to my dismay. I am finding that certain items I have purchased I cannot get rid of?? Like I thought when you bought things at the shop you had to buy all 4...
  5. E

    I'll miss my BOY!

    I am new to Tamagotchi's in general and so I'll just say a bit. I'm learning fast though and I love this little guy. He is umm, I call him a T-rex, but sometimes when he dances or just smiles at me and fills the whole screen he looks like a frog face. So, I'd say a mix between a frog and a...
  6. E

    My adult Tama

    I've never seen anything like that for brushing your teeth. I mean, it was clearly a mug and it's face was like it was drunk with it's tongue to the side hanging out.......clearly it had issues. I hope they have AA for these little guys then or maybe I should have disciplined him? I just found...
  7. E

    My adult Tama

    So, after a couple hours of trying to find a growth chart, I searched on here several times and finally someone gave a good link I could actually SEE what my tama is. This here and then this site. Now, I'm glad I was able to get these sites, but neither know what it's called! Whats with that...
  8. E

    I AM completely new

    Ok, so I just bought a tamagotchi connection on Tuesday and that night after supper I started it. I read the instructions completely and I do understand them, but I'm just not sure about things. I'm excited to have one of these pets since I've always wanted one (I'm in my 20's and soon to be...