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  1. A

    CICI! Goodbye.

    Tamagotchi's Name: Cici Tamagotchi's Age: 6 Date of Birth: Not sure as had a bit of time on pause. Date of Passing: November 23 2005 What Generation? 1st Your Comments: You were the first tama that I had for a long time. You and your partner, Andi will be sorely missed. I love poochtchi...
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    The Legend of Tama-claus!

    One day, a tama-sitter was sitting several tamas. There was a tarakotchi named James who was a naughty little 'gotchi. He put shaving cream in his teacher's coffee pretending it was whipped cream, did all the vaseline tricks that his little tama-heart desired. One day, the tama-sitter was...
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    Stranger No More

    A little serious fanfic about a the workings of Mrs. Busybody. Arranged marriages are one concept with are interesting so I decided to write about it. This time, a war ravaged Tamaland decides to save themselves as a species by breeding two of the strongest tamagotchi together. Let's...
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    CICI'S Adventures!

    Started CICI, a female tamagotchi yesterday. Two hours later, had started the other tamagotchi in my "True Friends" box. Restarted three cursed times due to getting another girl. Finally got a boy, and named him ANDI. Fed and watered them. Played a few rounds of JUMP, discovering that; yes...
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    How do I play the games on Version 2 Connections?

    I really royally stink at playing any game on any tamagotchi. It really rankles me that I really stink at it. Got any tips for the bump/jump/heading games? How do you play the heading one anyway? Eg. What's the objective?
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    Hey, just wanted to introduce myself!

    I had a bunch of experience with tamagotchi/virtual pets. I started with a imported Dinkie Dino (Raku Raku Dinokun), a Pocket Pikachu, a US Version 1 Bandai Tamagotchi, and two Connections. Right now, I'm running two connections at the same time. One is a female, the other is a male. They...