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  1. E

    Evolving Question

    HELP ME !!   My tama is a 3 year old teenager but its been 3 for almost a day and still won't evolve ! PLEASE HELP OR TELL ME IF I AM STUPID FOR EVEN POSTING THIS :furawatchi: :rolleyes: :wacko: :angry: :huh: :o :D :P
  2. E

    I am so excited !

    I am getting a V3 on Thursday !! I am getting the silver or blue camoflauge. . . sorry if i'm overreacting but i'm just so excited !!! :) I live in Australia so i'm getting it from Target for $27. How much was your tamagotchi. . . ? please post back reply :D :)
  3. E

    Love Potionj/mating

    Thankyou !! :rolleyes:
  4. E

    Love Potionj/mating

    Today was Friday at school in Australia .... I have a best friend and we are connectiong our tamagotchis all the time and i gave mine the love potion and they kissed then now i read that u connect in 24 hours and they will have babies but over the weekend we can't connect..... will the love...
  5. E


    Right now I have a 2 year old ichigotchi :D and I really want it to evolve RIGHT NOW!!! could someone help me ??? :D :D *Topic Moved from Tips & Tricks > Help for New Tamagotchi Owners *
  6. E

    How long.....

    Baby 2 Child = ???? Child 2 Teen = ???? Teen 2 Adult = ???? B) B) :furawatchi: :) :D B) :huh: :lol: :lol:
  7. E

    Do teenage tama's play with the mp3 player?

    :puroperatchi: There is a mp3 player in the shop for 1400p and i need to know if teenagers can use it and how many times you can use it...... :angry: