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  1. C

    I need help

    weird well I think I'm just gunna work more with this dude so ya ty for your help everyone
  2. C

    I need help

    well the parent left and now I have my second generation and it seems to be training quite a bit quicker than the parent
  3. C

    I need help

    ty :huh:
  4. C

    I need help

    I'll try it ty
  5. C

    I need help

    the training wasn't full tho it only had 2 points in it
  6. C

    This is So wierd!

    my tama has done that a few times I'll go to connect with some one mine will leave but the other will say that the connection failed or vise versa I don't knwo wat happens there but it is weird
  7. C

    I need help

    I'll try it thank you for your help kinda new at this lol I used to have nano wen I was younger and now like 5 years later :( I have a tama so ... :mimitchi:
  8. C

    I need help

    its not a baby anymore tho its an adult and won't train
  9. C

    I need help

    wen my tama was a baby I got it up 2 training points but nows its an adult and it won't train at all :( :( plus now it has a baby but I don't know how to get anymore training points can someone please help me it would be very much appreciated thank you :mimitchi: