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  1. L

    Try this for yourself...

    Really? I heard that if you say bloody Mary 3 times on holoween in front of the miror, bloddy mary will apear and all these scary things happen. If you do the same thing with blue baby, a blue baby will come out of the miror and you have to rock it. If you let go or get scared, the baby will...
  2. L

    can someone be my friend?

    I'll be your friend!! Do you like nature? Just wondering because of your username.
  3. L

    Drinking a pint of beer

    .Then maybe it wasn't smoking.
  4. L

    Drinking a pint of beer

    Did the pic look like there's a ciggareete in his/her mouth and there was smoke?
  5. L

    Yo people!

    If you need a friend or need help with V1s or V3s just PM me! NOTE: If my PM box is full tell be to clean it out.
  6. L

    How is it..................................

    Thanks for all the info. But my tamagotchi looks so cute in it! I want to keep it on him for a long time. What should I do?
  7. L

    How is it..................................

    I entered a password at the shop and it gave me a stuffed animal. I went to the items place and clicked on the stuffed animal. Then my tamagotchi flew up and when it came back down it was wearing the stuffed animal! Could someone help me understand why this happened?
  8. L

    Hello Everyone!

    You can be my friend. :D :blink: :P :ichigotchi:
  9. L

    Hey Everyone, I'm new Here!

    If you need help with v1's or v3's just ask away!
  10. L

    Hey Im Kinda New

    I could be your friend. And I like animals too!
  11. L

    The Sad Story of Aimee.

    It was so good! Are you going to make another chapter?
  12. L

    Gozarotchi's hidden identity

    Gozarotchi was at school, and was mocked and made fun of as usual. He thought he was useless because he was an orphan,had crewl foster parents, didn't even know his own name, so people just called him friendless, and because of that other tams didn't like him, because they thought that he's too...
  13. L

    Hi! I just signed up!

    Hi, Do you want to be my friend?
  14. L


    I'd like to be your friend. Sooooo SURE!!![/COLOR]
  15. L

    LooK! I really want to know!

    From that group androtchi!
  16. L

    HeLlO i NeEd FrIeNdS BaDlY!

    I only have three friends too thats why I'm looking in this forum. And I'll be both of your friends.
  17. L

    hi im new

    I'll be your friend!
  18. L

    Hey who wants to talk?

    Could I be your friend?
  19. L

    i am not new but i will be your

    Hi, I'm not new but I need more friends.