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  1. F

    I GOT A V.3! 8)

    it does have internet access but it dosent connect to the internet through the antenna
  2. F

    I GOT A V.3! 8)

    the antenna is not for internet access, the V3 is the same case design as the entamas which can connect to cell phones in japan but not in america, it really doesent do anything here. there are passwords acessed in the tama and on the website that u can use to acess tamatown
  3. F

    Anyone has a V3...

    im waiting for my oher V3 to arrive, then ill let u know
  4. F

    Did you order a V3 of Ebay

    they dont come out till febuary but i assure u the one i have is real, it has the ban dai logo on the package and the tamagotchi connection logo a tthe is real
  5. F

    Did you order a V3 of Ebay

    i bought them off ebay now because the v2'sare hard to find here so i figured the v3's would be next to impossible to find, especially the ones i wanted.
  6. F

    About this "ver.3" (reveiw)

    i got mine off e-bay and i think the baby liiks like it has a crown on its head, lol (thats the best way i can describe it)
  7. F

    About this "ver.3" (reveiw)

    i got one of my V3's today (the blue camo) i have to say i think they are a little bigger than the v2 and i like the new baby character :furawatchi:
  8. F


    ive got 2 V3's scheduled to arrive this week:) :angry: :D *is sooo excited!!*