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  1. X

    Now I am Curious

    Heyy, Did anyone else nortice that in the "Tamagotchi Connection V3 Character Chart" there is a key (orange and blue) but leafitchi :puroperatchi: is YELLOW? Im thinking that means they restored or changed it...
  2. X


    I will do it! I think we should keep the time to 50 MINUTES from now. We have like 3 people... I mean with a bunch of people it gets overwelming!!
  3. X you have any?

    I have 1 and I am going to have 2!!! For Easter I am getting the blue wave one and I have the pink ice cream one now... NE CODES LET ME KNOW
  4. X

    Naming ur tama

    I just got a version 3!!! Omg, there so cool. Sorry, I named mine LiL J and I'm planning to keep the generation goin with J names for girls and names like this for guyz 1. J JR 2. LiLJ2 Hope it gave you some ideas.