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    Jason once had an out of box/damaged box one for $45 I believe (just in case you find one that's not in a box ^_^ )
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    Yep, I did that about a year ago back when we were all like "erm... what is that coffe drinking thing?" and took pictures of it because no one believed me, I even took pictures of the parents mating so that people wouldn't think I had just debugged (though I do have a debugged Tama) :furawatchi:
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    tamagotchi drugs!?!?!

    The Keitai's do drink alchohol though :furawatchi: they get dizzy and spin around afterwards... maybe it's sake But what you speak of is bubbles
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    Jason's store on ebay has them from time to time :furawatchi: I got my dragon quest slime pedometer from there (similar to Arukotchi) Link'd! Jason's
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    Are you sure it wasn't Morino? *doesn't think I've heard of "Moringa"