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  1. S

    HOw do I make mine happy?!

    If your tamagotchi is sad you can always try to feed it treats, play games with it,or praise it, what ever you do, do not give your tamagotchi time out unless the situation calls for it. Which would be if it is not eating but it is still hungry, or not eating treats if it is unhappy. :)
  2. S

    Frustrated trying to find names!

    Are you trying to find names for tamagotchis?
  3. S


    IM NEW!!! MY TAMA's ARE v1 and v2!! MY V1 IS GENERATION32!!! I may be new but i love getting PM's!!! SMG (my initials)--Namez Sarah
  4. S

    Weird tama

    I know exactly what happened! The same thing happens when you connect V1 and V2. A strange character shows up as the tama in the freind list. It happens because they are different versions. If you were to connect V3 with V3 that would not happen so dont worry about it! Nothing to be to concerned...