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  1. S

    Ringo died:(

    Tamagotchi's Name: Ringo Tamagotchi's Age: 7 Date of Birth: Can't remember :) Date of Passing: Feb 12/11, 2006 What Generation? Your Comments: :) He's dead. :angry: :huh: But, The new one's name is Spock.
  2. S

    Which Is Creepier, Furby or Tamagotchi?

    I hate Furbys. And I also hate those errors- Please wait 1 second until posting again.
  3. S

    Which Is Creepier, Furby or Tamagotchi?

  4. S


    Go to games/activities. Then go to passwords. Then you will get your items.
  5. S

    Nintendogs for nintendo DS

    I think Nintendogs are cool, but I'm really attatched to my Tamagotchi. Nintendogs are for Nintendo DS and they are dogs you can kind of... you know... touch. I have 7 dogs on my Nintendogs game. I have chihuahuas, German shepherd dogs, and a husky, plus many more. I haven't been playing...
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    I'm new

    I do! I named him Ringo.
  7. S

    I'm new

    I just joined TamaTalk. I like Tamagotchis and I got one today. I think they should make a V4. I still like the V3, so I don't need them to make a V :4.TAMAGOTCHIS RULE!