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  1. O

    OMG! the V3 boombox explodes becus...

    i got a cd,used it on my boombox,it worked,then did without cd,tehn again with cd and then exploded.
  2. O

    that darm unpause thing!

    Tamagotchi's Name: Candy(my sisters( Tamagotchi's Age: 1yr Date of Birth: ? Date of Passing: ? What Generation? 1 Your Comments: my parent s are divorced,and we go to each other house.she left it on pause at my moms .then,3 days later,we find it dead.yes,DEAD.ON PAUSE!!!!!!! <_&lt...
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    tkae out batter,then put it back in,happens all the time
  4. O

    School stuff.

    lucky fer me,my teacher is RLY nice(aka hes the best teacher ever)he lets us use em in our free time <_<