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  1. A

    Pick your teacher!

    :P I dont know if anyone else knows this, but you can pick the teacher for school on your tamagotchi v4!! All you have to do is when your tamagotchi goes to meet the teacher for school, you press the A button and it will change to the flower teacher, and if you press the A button again it...
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    V4 food likes/dislikes

    -_- um... just to tell you thats not true but i do know that the young mametchi hates fish
  3. A


    :lol: first your tamagotchi have to turn into a mizutamatchi (toddler) then a patapatatchi (teen) after that u have to leave your patapatatchi very unhappy but very healthy it might not work if u didn't take good care of it try leaving about one full happyness :furawatchi: hope you good...