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  1. H

    Fish Tanks

    Hey, I got new fish about two or three weeks ago. I got one more yesterday. They're Zebra Danios, two of which are the Leopard Danio, which are the same species but a different variety. I was originally gonna breed the female Leopard with the male Zebra, but now just a male and female Zebra...
  2. H

    Next audition?

    OK, I failed the first Audition. How do I get the next one?
  3. H

    "Only for the DS Lite"

    I still have a DS regular, unlike apparently everyone else. I don't know about others, but every time I see a commercial that at the end says "Only available for the DS Lite" I just groan. Hello? Ever heard of a DS Regular? These people act like everyone threw their DSs out to get the Lite, but...
  4. H


    When you leave elementary or middle school you go to a new building (in most cases) with most of your class (in some cases.) However, there will be a large amount of new people you don't know. And guess what: I went to middle school and the only nice people (for the most part) were the people...
  5. H

    Game Maker

    I use a program called "Game Maker" which is a really cool, hard-to-use-but-easy-to-learn program that allows you to create your own game. Have you tried it? It's free! I'm currently working on a project "Gourami Game" which is a game where you play as Sliver (Not Silver) the Gold Three Spot...
  6. H


    I know that there isn't such thing as a pure Ninja Family...but I'm trying anyway. It's going well right now. I have successfully gotten two Ninja Families, and am progressing quickly on getting the bondage up. However, it's been 2 1/2 days since they turned adult and mine still won't "Marry"...
  7. H

    Meerkat Manor

    Hello. If you are reading this topic, I'm guessing you like Meerkat Manor. Did you know that the first thing they say in each episode (Meerkat Manor depicts the real life and death events in the Whisker meerkat family) is a lie? Many things in the show are not true, which is why I like to go to...
  8. H

    Fishing game!

    There are three lakes in this game. Lake Greatness, Lake Awesome, and Lake Bore-Me-To-Death. In Lake Bore-Me-To-Death, you can find: Can -10 points Bottles -10 points Minnow 1 point Tadpole -1 point Pollution -1,000,000 points River Marlin +1,000 points Lake Greatness has Lemons 20...
  9. H

    Letter adoption center

    This is an adoption center-and totally spontanious. There are a few pets that can appear in these envelopes, all teen characters, listing in rareness. 1. :angry: 2. :angry: 3. ^_^ I bet some of you are thinking "That's it?" Each envelope has a 15% chance of getting a: Letter (a, b...
  10. H


    I have a Violet family, but I have a question. When it's old enough to go to Dating Show, can Kizatchi use it, or do you have to use Furawatchi?
  11. H

    Tower Game!

    OK, I'm just going to copy the rules from my topic on another site. This is a game. It starts with someone (I'll start) saying something big. The next person says something smaller. It keeps going like that until it gets too small (single cell/molecule/atom thing). Please don't say anything too...
  12. H

    If you invented a tama...

    ***Nothing in this post involves real tamagotchis. All of it is in my imagination and will probably stay that way, other than this topic. Bandai will probably never know of it's existence*** If you've ever invented your own kind of tama, post it here. We'd be interested in others as well. I...
  13. H

    New random animation!

    I was typing a reply to another topic when I noticed my little trio doing something. After my sis was careless and lost me my 6g of hard work, I'm back at 1st generation. But I think this new animation is an Easter one. It shows a rabbit with what appears to be two eggs, both with stars on them...
  14. H

    Umm... this is definately strange...

    OK, I had two tamas on my second generation V5, when they evolved. I watched. But when the evolution was complete, I had a Memetchi and Imotchi. I know this is the Memetchi family, but it is kind of creepy.
  15. H

    V5 growth

    I know I usually help here, but V5 is really confusing. How long does it take in V5 to go from child to teen? I want my Mattaritchi to turn into something cute. He is not cute right now. Please help?
  16. H

    Family Training?

    The sixth symbol on V5 is "Family Training". I can't figure out how to use it and I have children. Do you need teens or adults?
  17. H

    Double log!

    Well, yesterday my sis and I got a TamaTown and Cookie Dough tama V5. I started my Tamatown almost an hour before she started her Cookie Dough. We had the same characters in different spots. Now we both have Sakuramotchi, I have a Belltchi and Mattaratchi. She has a Tororotchi and Ahirukutchi...
  18. H

    New V5!

    My V5 came in the mail! I had to reset but I got the same characters in different sets. I wanted to name them the Baxter family after the Baxter Building in Fantastic Four, but it didn't fit. Now they're the Delta family. They're so cute! My sister is going to open hers in hopefully about five...
  19. H


    I was wondering, is Mimitchi in the V5? I haven't seen any pic for them. Thanks!
  20. H

    Tama Expo

    I remember that when V4 came out, people posted login passwords so people could see what Tamatown was like. One person even found a code with no tamas. I was wondering if we could do that again?