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  1. H


    This is for v2 and v3. ;)
  2. H


    ... Plz tell me. I love them. =[
  3. H


    I've been dying to get one since they are my favorite. ;)
  4. H


    I don't really like 'em. I keep getting 'em. :gozarutchi: :marumimitchi: :chohimetchi: :pochitchi:
  5. H

    My see through yellow neon tama!

    im going to post tomarrow on what it turns into.
  6. H

    Dose anything happen tomarrow?

    so dose any thing???
  7. H

    My see through yellow neon tama!

    Ok, today it is a toddler it's name is mizutamatchi. But it's real name that I had given HER is Arial. tomarrow she is turning into a teen, I will try and put a pic up but I cant promis. :lol: B) B) B) :angry:
  8. H

    Version 3 Codes

    It is not going to work when someone gives you the code for the king. Because you have to have the same user name on your tama to be abel to share. :huh:
  9. H

    tama 2 release is tomorrow

    are you talking about califonia?? :huh: