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  1. G

    how Mimitchi died

    but the mimitci didnt wanna be a snitch
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    the life of rapo

    rapo didnt no wut to do so his wife..........
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    Legend of the tama teachers lounge

    she turned around and the prinicipal was rite there. "go to my office rite now mr., i mean missy!!!!!!! you are goin to have alot of detetion!!!!!!!" yelled the prinipal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she had to tell every1 in the school about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so she...........................
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    the friendliest tama

    but people still thought she was a bully. shy tried to be nice but every1 rejected her! she cried. ;) the magicly..........
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    the friendliest tama

    juliana and she was very ugly. she looked like this: :nyatchi: . she was anoying and dumb and selfish. one day bob put juliana in a foster home. she was very sad and very sorry. she cried and cried. then finally she got picked by a couple like :unsure: . they were happy until........
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    the last egg

    ummm i posted sumthing, and it was there and now its not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr
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    the tama that everybody loved

    But then the :D said that B) was the ugliest thing in the world. she then started to cry. she ran and got plastic sugury and then she looked like this :nazotchi: she was beautiful! then every1 at school liked her until she.........
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    the baby tama on a quest to find his lost mom tama

    So he walked around looking for her. She was no where at the park to be found!!!! billy cried, "momma! momma!" then he thought that maybe she went home, so he went home. no one was there. he looked for a phone to call the tama police!!! bu tsome1 took the phone...
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    the friendliest tama

    but bob then got a call frum the new kid( Joey). Joey said that he liked bobs gf( LoLo ).... and that lolo said she liked him! Bob was vary sad. :angry: then bob called lolo. here was there conforastion: RING! RING! lolo: hello bob:hi lolo.......... *sad voice* lolo: why are you sad...
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    The death of an angle...

    Angle beleved she would not die if she never swam again. So she didnt. Then on June 1st Angles dad said,"angle i no u dont wanna swim anymore but, you dont have to! WE are going there to watch Jamie(mom's bff's daughter.)!" Angle said ok knowing that all she had to do was stay out of the...
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    The littlest tama

    the gurl tama said that she had feelings for Hammy. She had a HUGE crush on him. He liked her to, but he didnt like, like her. he liked a tama named Stacy. she was the prettiest girl tama in the school!!! When Hammy told the girl tama she ran away and cried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hammy felt bad. So...
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    Tamagotchis just got banned at my school!

    just the same as most.....i cant bring electronics to school....!!! but i do anywaysss!!!! i bring my cell, my ipod, my tama.....and alot more!!!!!! teacher dont care!!! we have to wear uniforms and tuck in our shirts!!!!!!! my teacher says that we can have them untucked unless MR...
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    my logg!

    today, my tama was just born. His (its a boy!) name is Vance....(i named it after my old BF)!!! he is sooo adorable!!(lol....just like vance!!!) he likes to take baths and come up to the screen alot! He already weighs 20 pounds! i fed him to much in accident!!!!!! well i cant wait till 2marro...
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    Kewl thanx~~!!~~!!~~!!~~!! ___________________________________________________ greengurl is my name(not my real!) if you wana be friends just mail me!
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    the friendliest tama

    she asked him if they could be BF and GF!!! he said yes, cuz to him she was pretty atractive!!(oh lala!) So they fell in love. then a new boy came to school, and his GF thought the boy was cute......she liked him. and then.......... :o :huh:
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    The littlest tama

    He started to break dance.... he fell off the the roof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every1 sceamed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But just then the PE coach caught him, and he was alive!!! Then the new kid Tommy, asked Hammy to be his friend. Hammy...
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    The littlest tama

    he felt like the coolest tama ever! He danced around like a maniac! he loved him self....... when he went to school....
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    The littlest tama

    once there was a tiny tama. his name was Hammy. he was so small that when he started school, he could barly sit in his chair. He was the smallest tama in the tamagotchi world! he had no friends. He was lonly. Every one would make fun of him or wisper about him behind his back. he thought he was...
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    the tama who was diffrent......

    then booboo's spirit came to life, and went to the girl tama. He said the only way they could be together was is she died, together with his spirit. Again she was confused. :angry: she finally said.....
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    the tama who was diffrent......

    saw another :D , and they fell in love. He asked her to marry him and she didnt know wut to say, :o because she missed the little purple dude. so she finally said.......